What has came before

The characters have joined Spelljammer Academy, an elite training ground where humanoids come from across Realmspace to train to be Spelljammers and protect Faerun from the threats of Wildspace. You complete your orientation, and save the leader of Spelljammer Academy, Mirt the Merciless, from a package of neogi spawn you delivered to him while deeply hungover.

Next, the characters do an competitive training mission to retreive a log book. Before the mission, they meet a down on his luck cadet named Mikan Haverstance. The characters successfully retreive the log book and rescure the competing group, including Mikan. Upon return, the holodeck the simulation chamber blows up due to sabotage. The leaders of Spelljammer Academy blame the sabotage on a Mercane named Vorcath who has a grudge with Mirt.

Finally the characters get their first mission - travel to H’catha, a beholder planetoid, and retrieve a piece of a meteorite. First the characters commander a behold space jammer and deal with the unwelcome unhabitants. Unfortunately, Mikan sabotaged the ship at Vorcath’s direction, accidentally killing Petty Officer Winston Ryeback. Saerthe and Tarto come meet the characters, send Mikan back to the academy as a prisoner, and go with the characters to H’Catha.

Once the characters arrive on H’catha, they locate the meteorite and negotiate with some beholder kind before dealing with a zombie beholder on the beach. They return to the academy successful, but that night a strike force sent by Vorcath attackes the academy seeking to steal a ship and exfiltrate Mikan. When it is clear the party will defeat the strikeforce of giff and githyanki, and githyanki beheads Mikan and beams up to his spelljammer to escape.



Secret and Clues

Check off when revealed.