Welcome to Sly Flourish's Lazy Campaign Template for Notion.so. Duplicate this notebook and customize it to fit your own needs.

This notebook makes heavy use of two underlying databases: the character database and the campaign database. Each holds cards for characters, NPCs, locations, villains, and items.

Add character information including pictures and notes to the Character Database. Add NPCs, Locations, and Villains to the Campaign Database. The Characters, NPCs, Locations, Villains, and Items pages are views into the campaign database filtered on the appropriate tags. Both databases contain some sample characters, NPCs, villains, and locations. Add images to every card to inspire you and give you images to share with your players.

Create new session notes by duplicating the Session Template and renaming it.

Customize and duplicate this template for each campaign you're running. Let me know what changes you've made so I can learn from you!

(Date) Session

Date Session 1 - Orientation

Date Session 2 - Trial By Fire

Date Session 3 - Realmspace Sortie!

Date Session 4 - Behold H’Catha (1)

Date Session 5 - Seeds of Destruction

Date Session 6 - Terrors of the Void

Date Session 7 - Chaos in Doomspace

Session Zero Notes





